Monday, February 19, 2007

Leadership # 1

Everybody wants to be a leader. Well, sometimes it certainly seems that way. Part of the problem is that once you work out that you want to be a leader (or more appropriately, when you discern the need for leadership around you … or when you’re thrust into an office) you’re then faced with the question of how to go about the business.

One thing I’ve noticed is that we Christians speak about leadership in different ways. Some understand it in a practical sense; the moving of people from one position to another. Methods such as “vision-casting” and “360-degree peer appraisal” are adopted from the corporate world and employed to further the Church’s goals which, of course, have been formulated to give shape to an appropriate vision statement which is just small enough to fit on professionally designed t-shirt. These goals are often about improvement and growth, and the Church’s leaders are the ones who are charged with the responsibility to achieve these goals, thereby helping the Church to execute her “ministry”.

Despite what might sound like a sarcastic tone, I actually agree with such activities. When Paul speaks of “gifts of administration” (1 Cor 12.28) he uses a word which was used in the ancient world to describe the activity of steering a boat; giving direction to a vessel and moving it from one place to another. This suggests that there is a place for developing those skills which “lead” God’s people from one place (physical or spiritual) to the next. However, others will be quick to point out that there is more to Biblical leadership than the practical ability to create change and facilitate growth…

5 points for the famous leader in the above photo.


Dave Miers said...

Napoleon Dynamite?


I mean that other Napoleon?

Dave Miers said...

by the way - i look forward to the rest of this series.

hope you're well

David Ould said...



good grief. I hope someone notes the irony.

It's Admiral Horatio Nelson

Dave Miers said...

It's Admiral Horatio Nelson

Is he also in Napoleon Dynamite?

Dave Miers said...

I now know who "Admiral Horatio Nelson" thanks to my friend wikipedia.

If Napoleon and Horatio were on different teams... then why do they wear the same get up??

Matthew Moffitt said...

I think Katay has just written a new course on Leadership for EU equip.

Martin Kemp said...

5 points to Dave Ould for correctly naming Nelson.

5 points to Dave Miers for being so darn funny.