"I don't see anyone else here..." What would make me happy is any (helpful and edifying) comment that you’d like to make on the stuff I post. I can tell that this blog is going to consume me…
Monday, April 16, 2007
Procrastination #3
Further to my last post, I found this site from a collage artist/cartoonist with a similar sense of humour. Here is a sample of his genius...
My favourite one (not shown on the website) was a picture of Andrew Lloyd Webber at his desk writing music and the caption said, "Andrew Lloyd Webber writes another hit musical".
Born and bred in Sydney, was an archaeologist before being sent into Christian ministry. Currently on staff at St Paul's Anglican Church, Castle Hill, Sydney, Australia. Particularly fond of weird and wonderful experiences which make for great stories afterwards.
My favourite one (not shown on the website) was a picture of Andrew Lloyd Webber at his desk writing music and the caption said, "Andrew Lloyd Webber writes another hit musical".
Think about it.
Byron, I logged on to write almost EXACTLY the same words about EXACTLY the same card -- right down to the (not shown on the website)...
I had the ALWebber card on my door at MTC.
Wow - great minds think alike! (and so do ours...)
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